Sunday, October 31, 2010

Just say Thanks.

Last night the school put on a corn maze for the students who wanted to go. We didn't just go to the corn maze we also went to Deception Pass and Mount Erie.
Our first stop was at Mount Erie and we all agreed that the views were spectacular.  In this blog I could talk about our trip and how we all had so much fun but I'm not. I'm going to talk about how some people don't just do things for the credit or for selfish reasons. For example, Jesus dying on the cross. He didn't want all of us to worship on how great he is but on his unfailing love for us.
Yesterday on the corn maze Mr. and Mrs. Fox accompanied us on this awesome trip. They didn't have to. They could have gone to church or played tourists or flown to Alaska ( probably not Alaska but it's metaphoric.) Instead they ran around and played Sardines with a bunch of 9th and 10th graders.
We all take for granted what everyone does for us. We just need to turn around and say thank you.
Thank You Foxes. We appreciate your works.

~The Midshipman

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