Friday, October 15, 2010


Hey! Are you in one of the amazing OCS pods? Well if you are, listen up.  Every Friday Mr. Fox will treat the pod with the most pod points to a spectacular focaccia from Portifino's.  The first week the Jesus Freaks won, and enjoyed their prize.  Then, the past two weeks, the Blue Monkeys have enjoyed focaccia.  Yes, these pods worked hard to earn points in order to win this delicious food treat.   So, your wondering, what can I do to get enough points to win?  Here's how; get your pod together in a meeting and coordinate something to do during the week, such as dressing up the same or singing a song. There are many ways to earn points you just need team work. Currently all four pods; Jesus Freaks, Purple People Eaters, Blue Monkeys, and the A-Team are very close in point totals. So get involved and see what happens next week!  Downtown Danny Brown

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