Monday, November 1, 2010

What Goes On Halloween Night?

What goes on Halloween night?
Most adults/parents take their little kids out to go trick or treating, others may even stay home and watch "scary movies." For me, well, I stay home nowadays and greet the trick or treaters at the door with a creepy costume. I think I enjoy staying home, rather than going out and grabbing bags full of candy. Seeing all of the cute costumes that the little kids dress up in is a lot funner than feeding my face with abundant amounts of chocolate [ :) ]. I stayed up quite late watching all kinds of scary movies, some were quite funny too. The Nightmare Before Christmas is a movie created and directed by Tim Burton. I watch it every single year with my parents while we wait for kids to knock at the door, asking for candy.

Nightmare Before Christmas Theme Song:

~Ms. Serious~

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