Monday, October 4, 2010

Who Needs These Dances

This past weekend many of you may have been at the homecoming dance. I was not. My reason for not going was because high school dances are pointless; you stand in a crowded little area and jump up and down mindlessly. This area is know as the arm pit because it smells like a bunch of sweaty little freshmen and body odor. The dances are dumb because the music sucks and there are only forty people. It gets boring fast. They could improve the dances by hosting them in the gym... where there is more space... and air conditioning... But for as long as O.H.S has dances they will be boring. Then we have this disgraceful dance called Prom. At this event the junior class puts on a dance for the seniors, and its horrible every year. Take last year as an example, we had prom in the madrona room and the communtiy center. The madrona room is this tiny little room used for overload when the auditorium is full. So the "most important" dance of the year is cramped into this tiny little room and your supposed to dance. Again, it's my opinion that these dances are pointless.

Downtown Danny

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