Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Gods' Miracles

I was reading a book yesterday and it said "Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve" "He always knocks before entering. He doesn't have to. If anyone has the right to barge in, Christ does right? But he doesn't. When he enters he always brings a gift. Some bring daises and pie. Christ brings 'Gift of the Holy Spirit' and as he stays, he serves. If your missing you apron, he has it on serving the guests and doesn't eat until all the leftovers are put away." 

Jesus should be served not serving but he does it anyway.

Many people now know that the miracles that God performs but don't pay much attention to them. We know of the miracles performed way back when Jesus was on earth. We know of him bringing people back from the dead. We know of the blind receiving sight, the lame walking, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hearing, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor. (Matthew 11:5.) Even I know many modern day miracles. A teacher I had once was who told us this story...
"I was on the highway in New Mexico. There weren't many cars actually, it was just me. I see this lady on the side of the road. She is slumped on the hood of car. Her car is broken down and looks like she's out of hope. I see her and she just looks at me hopelessly like; oh just another car driving by that's not going to help me. I see that expression and pull over.
 I talk to her for a little while and find out that she is out of gas and her car is broken down. Luckily, I showed up because she said that I would've been the 3rd car that just drove by. I said I could tow her to the nearest gas station. She was bursting with thanks. I told her she should drop by my house sometime because it was only a couple miles away. She said okay and couldn't stop thanking me. 
She showed up at my house a couple weeks later. She couldn't believe that I actually had a house and a life. She has had friends that have seen angels or just experienced miracles. She thought I was an angel. She couldn't believe I wasn't. I have kept in somewhat decent touch with her within the last while. She is living a great full life in Christ now. That is just one of God's many modern miracles.
I'm sorry that this blog is so long but not one blog can explain all of God's miracles.


1 comment:

  1. I have a great sense of deja-vu when I read this blog entree. I think I may have heard it from Mr. May? Not entirely sure.
