Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Back in Mrs. Roosma's Class

Ah, the feeling of stepping back into Mrs. Roosma's class room. No one can teach a class quite like Mrs. Roosma. One thing a kid notices is the class room enviroment and how the class room is decorated in bright colors. Today myself, DomiKNight, and Classic Kid walked into Mrs. Roosma's room to take some pictures and get some interviews for the blog.

Cory plays football and baseball. He likes to eat pizza when he can. His favorite school subject is Art.

Sunshine likes to play basketball and soccer when it comes to sports. Her favorite subject in school is science.

Lucien prefers to play video games in his spare time rather than playing sports. His favorite school subject is PE. He likes to play video games on his DS.

Tori's favorite food is broccoli. Her favorite thing at school is lunch.

This is DomiKNight out

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