Thursday, October 14, 2010

The good ol' boys of the NFL are back

This NFL season has been very interesting. I am an avid football fan and enjoy watching games each weekend. My personal favorite teams are the Baltimore Ravens and the Seattle Seahawks. I always like to root for the underdog in other games I see. I know lots about NFL players because as a young boy in fourth grade I enjoyed learning about almost every NFL player. I studied statistics and positions and years in the NFL and the players college, height and weight, number. All those “important” facts, that way I ended up knowing more about NFL players then actual players probably did. Anyway, this year has brought back players that were big time stars when I was a young boy, they seemingly disappeared for a few years but they’re back. The stars are reborn including: Mike Vick, Ladainian Tomlinson, Randy Moss, Joey Galloway, and Brett Favre is still around. All on different teams now. But I thought they were gone, Vick in prison, Moss a Raider, Tomlinson hardly playing and injured, Favre getting major surgery, Joey Galloway not even on a team. But wait, they won't back down! Vick is looking like he did when I was in 6th grade, Favre is throwing touchdowns to Moss, Galloway is a starting receiver at age 38. I mean he started when my brother was a kid! and Tomlinson is running for hundreds of yards. Am I dreaming? No it’s for real! Something like this has only happened to a couple players ever, all these stars reborn in one season makes watching the NFL truly magical again. My favorite players from my elementary school years are back. Whose next? Shaun Alexander? Maybe, just maybe!
-Classic KiD

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