Monday, October 25, 2010

On the Road Again

I had the opportunity to head off-island with my friend Staci and her parents on Saturday the 23. Taking the red-eye ferry, we headed over to Anacortes and drove to Burlington to go shopping. We had about three or four lists from other family members to shop with. First, we went to Lowes to get a door and an extra frame for Staci's sister Katrina. Various places we went to, Target, WalMart, Costco, and we ate at this really nice Japanese cuisine buffet; had good food. I also bought a really cute hat for $3 at a gas station store. After our adventures, we headed back to the Anacortes ferry landing to catch the 3:30 boat home to Orcas. Staci and I played rummy, a card game, on our way off-island and back; the game still awaits completion, so it is game on the next time I see her. For the most part, we were stiff when we got back from riding in the car for so long, but luckily we did some walking, and that helped. We got home around 5:30 and rested up for the remainder of the weekend.

~Vivacious One~

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