Thursday, October 21, 2010

Where is The Love?

Our Blog class was wondering where is the love at our school? Let’s just try to all be friends; so the Blog class decided to find some ways to make our school friendlier.

1.      Make all classrooms more comfortable, like Mr. Worley’s room. 
2.      Don’t be a hater! Love rules all.
3.      Try to be a friend to everyone, even if they annoy you.
4.      Don’t worry, be happy! If you’re angry at someone or something in your life, talk to a friend, or Herbie, sure he’s no expert but he will help you with whatever is wrong. You have his word on that.
5.      High schools not the most fun thing in the world, but just try to make the best of it; I know I don’t always do that, but everyone should at least try it.
6.      Be a friend to all, our high school is too small to have drama, it’s unnecessary and immature.
7.      Just be yourself and try to have fun. Here’s a quote I came across. “My choice is what I choose to do, and if I'm causing no harm it shouldn't bother you. Your choice is who you choose to be, and if you’re causing no harm then you're alright with me.”
Here's a link of a song called "Where is the love?"

-Classic KiD

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