Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Time of Storms is Coming

The time of winter and storms is coming fast-so be prepared! Weather experts say that high speed winds are coming soon; these winds are powerful enough to blow trees down, and take away our electricity. You must be prepared for these winter wind storms. Here’s a list I made on how to be prepared.

  1. Make sure you have a wood stove, or possibly a generator. Because the power will most likely go out.
  2. Have plenty of flashlights and batteries, or a lantern; candles are also a good source of light when eating dinner.
  3. Make sure you have plenty of blankets, because sometimes fires aren’t enough to heat your whole house.
  4. Have plenty of water because your pipes could freeze, and your water won’t turn on because the power might go out.
  5. Make sure you have plenty of canned foods, baking supplies, and a cooler with ice, so you can use up your food that will spoil if the power goes out.
  6. Have a landline phone with a cord; it will still work if the power goes out.
  7. Try to stay with a family member or friend no matter what. You don’t want to get hurt and have no one there to help you, its nice just to have someone to talk to, and keep you company during a storm.

- Classic KiD

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