Thursday, October 21, 2010

Remember the Elderly

Remember those who are in suffering great hardships
Prayer is a powerful thing. Today, many people need prayer all over the world; kids who are homeless, loved ones who are sick, and many more. What prayer do you have? If there is someone important to you that is sick or in critical condition, take a couple minutes out of your schedule and prayer for those people in need of God. I have many prayers on my mind, but the one thing I want to come true the most is my grandmother's body to being healed. She is around 70 and her back and hips are giving her excruciating pain. She had to receive a shot the other day to help with the pain, turns out that the drug didn't do anything to help with the pain. I only hope that God can at least take the pain away even though she is climbing the ladder of age. My grandmother is the kind of person who has the impression that if you don't do it yourself, then you won't be happy with the results. I love my grandmother very much; it hurts me to hear that she is in so much pain. I am praying for you, grandma.
~Vivacious Individual~

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