Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Why I joined the Fire Department

I joined Orcas Fire and Rescue on my birthday last April. Growing up with my dad or both of my parents leaving on calls always made we wonder growing up "What is it like to be on a call?" I have known a lot of the current members of the department for as long as I can remember. Walking around old station 21 at the heels of my dad, I would look around in awe of everything. When I turned 13, I told myself that I really wanted to become a firefighter when I became of age to join the department. I guess growing up in the household of a firefighter really inspired me to become one myself.

After joining the Department I have been going to fire drills, aid calls, some false alarm fire calls, and taking online firefighting classes. Going to the fire drills has really helpful when it comes to firefighting. Up to this point I know how to pump water in and out of the tankers(truck with big tank of water), use the front monitor on the WASP engines, pump water in and out of the WASP engines, connect and disconnect hose correctly, role up hose correctly, and know where things are on the different styles of rig.

I'm looking foward to taking the class in January to become a certified firefighter as I'm only a Cadet.

DomiKNight out

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