Friday, October 29, 2010

What Should I be for Halloween?

What should I be for Halloween? You may ask yourself this question. Well there are many different things you could choose to be. I enjoy dressing up as gangsters, or athletes, because I have many jerseys. It is easy to dress up as something, just use your imagination and you can be whatever you want! You can be a robot with a cardboard box and some duct tape, and maybe some house supplies. Halloween is a time to have fun and collect candy, don’t try to make it a deathly and dark holiday, just try to have a great time. Here are three easy things to dress up as that is fun as well.

  1. Robot, use cardboard and duct tape.
  2. Make up something! An alien pirate! Or an elf football player!
  3. A super hero! Use a blanket as your cape!
-Classic KiD

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