Friday, October 22, 2010

Whats happening in Novemeber?

Gamers and people who love movies can't wait for the month of November. Why is this?

1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 comes out on Nov. 19
a. This will be part 1 of the final Harry Potter movie.
b. There will be so much more detail than previous Harry Potter movies.
c. There will be a lot more action and darker scenes in this movie, probably making it a highly PG-13 movie.

2. Now moving onto what all First Person Shooter (FPS) gamers and Call of Duty fans are waiting for. The release of Call of Duty Black Ops on Nov 9.
a. This game will be better than any Call of Duty games.
b. Treyarch has come up with some great new ideas for making the game seem more real for players.
c. Treyarch will be introducing different types of game play: One in the Chamber, Gun Game, Sharpshooter, and Sticks and Stones along with the usually Multi-player and Campaign. Zombies are also being introduced back into the Call of Duty series.
d. There will be a currency system for Black Ops Multi-player.
e. A feature will allow players to buy different face paints, logos, camos, etc to customize their character.
f. New and old killstreaks/weapons are going to be part of Black Ops.

DomiKNight out

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