Thursday, October 7, 2010

Grandparents Nickname's

The thing that is funny to me is the nicknames that some kids pick out for the Grandmas and Grandpas. I know some kids that have named their granparents: Mamaw, Nana, Lola, Papi, Grandpa, and even Pompaw. You make think some of these names don't make any sense, but others have very sincere signs of appreciation and respect. I call my grandparents Sweet Mama and Sir, and I know that they sound funny, but they have a story behind them. The name of my Grandma, Sweet Mama, is because when my oldest cousin was just a baby she said "your very sweet Mama." The name of my Grandpa, Sir, is because of right before he was going to have a grandkid he wanted all of them to call him Sir so they can show respect. Now when everytime we see them we address them at Sweet and Sira.

Grandparents of the Year!
 ~The Midshipman

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