Thursday, October 14, 2010

My idea on making the world a better place

I think that people these days need to be more relaxed. The lifestyle people live is just to busy these days. People make big deals about things that don’t matter very much; such as I need the newest model of my car, when they could just donate some of that extra money to a charity. I mean we all have that problem, most people want what they don’t have, and so it has been for centuries. People are to self centered, I am not saying that I’m not any of these things, I’m just as bad as the next guy, but I want to try to make a change. I don’t want to be so busy; I want to appreciate the things around us, like family, and nature, the things that God gave us. I think we shouldn’t care so much about money, and what some people think of us. Let’s not dwell on arguments of the past, let’s try to move on. If we can move past prior judgments we had of people and gave everyone a fair chance, and not judge them by their looks. Then I think the world would be a much happier and better place.
Ps. I added a video of a song that I think fits this story, its at the bottom.
- Classic KiD aka Herbie

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