Wednesday, October 13, 2010


This last weekend, me still being sick and all, my parents and my brother went off island to go to a symphony in Seattle. They took the 8:45 ferry, but without me. I had stayed home for I did not feel well, nausea, dizziness, all kinds of symptoms overwhelmed me. I regret doing this; when the afternoon came, I felt lonely... completely depressed. I should have bucked-up the will to go and enjoy my time with my family. But I knew very well what would have happened while running around Pikes Place Market with the raining pouring down like buckets on my head. I knew that if I went, I would be putting myself in jeopardy of a relapse; I didn't want that. That night, sleep never came to me. I lay there in bed, eyes wide open, yearning for a fun time with the family that I missed so much. I am sure other opportunities will come up, but I regret the decision of staying home.

~The Lethargic Being

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