Monday, October 4, 2010

Hey Downtown Danny

Wow!  I'm picking up some interesting vibes from you and your thoughts on dances.  So, let's be honest DT Danny, you've had some (or one) bad experiences with dances.  When one sees that much bad, or vents that much frustration, one can usually look back to an experience that turned out really bad!  Perhaps you could blog about what happened, that would make for an interesting read.

Also, I think it would be good to write the article trying to convince the reader about how silly dances are, but to maybe point out a couple of positive things with the hope that someone might take your thoughts seriously.  I only dance after mid-night in the basement, with no one around, but I felt defensive and wanted to go out and dance, dance, and dance somemore, just to prove you wrong.  I'm looking forward to your next article on legumes!

John Travolta

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