Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Out of the Ordinary

The feeling of both hot and cold waves rush up and down, though there is no sign of fever. Vertigo takes over and you can barely walk on your own two feet. Major fatigue engulfs the mind and soon, everything becomese blurry and you have fallen asleep. Hours pass by and you finally wake up wondering what time or day it is. Then you think, man, will it ever stop. When the immune system is so week, you can be exposed to anything. Though I have been cooped up in a house for 3 weeks, I yearn to once again step outside. To have the chance to breathe in the cleansed air after a rainfall. To take walks without feeling dizzy, to look around without feeling nausea. It may sound as though a disease has infected me, but I guess the only thing to do is wait for it to pass. It will soon get to the point where waiting cannot be an option. At least for now, the only thing I can do is listen to the doctor. Music is my companion in these dull days and weary nights.
~The Lethargic Being

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