Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Things People Do For Us

Different people in our lives do many things that help us; sometimes without us even knowing. Ever since I was a little kid my sister Molly has purchased different clothes for me.  She always has helped me with different problems in my life. She has always been there if I needed someone to talk to, or if I needed help with anything. I think that in life many people do things for us, sometimes we don’t even realize it.  But I just want to say thank you to all the people that do things without anyone knowing.  Like the person that donates to a charity, but doesn’t have to tell anyone they did.  Or the person that serves food at the homeless shelter on their own time, but they do it for the homeless, not so that they can look like a good person. We should take time and thank some of the people that do important, yet unnoticed acts of caring.  Let's give back to the people that help us; and maybe just say thanks.

The Guy From Olga

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