Thursday, October 14, 2010

Scary/Funny Mr. Worley

During the Puyallup Fair, I rode back in Mr. Roosma's van to the school that we would be staying at that evening. The first ones to get there were me, Mr. Worley, Halley, Corrina, Sean, Mr. Roosma and Grant. The lights were off in the gym as we drug our sleeping accesories into the building. Being in Mr. Worley's nature, we decided to play a little hide and seek. The trick was to spin around three times and walk in any direction for ten steps. After this was accomplished, that person would be entered into a game of silent marco polo. Me, ending up at the far south of the gym, Halley and Corrina bumping into each other, and Grant running into a table and then being scared by Mr. Worley. At this time the lights remained off, so the girls decide to hide in the stacked chairs at the east side of the gym and wait for Grant, the only boy, to come walking by. I didn't hide by the chairs. Instead, I hid by the light switch to the gym, and right at the moment Grant's figure was spotted, I jumped out and made him fly off the ground a good foot. His scream was a loud shriek; this quickly alerted Halley and Corrina and made them burst out with laughter at his girlish screams. Grant is now scared of Mr. Worley for he too scared him a lot that night.

~The Lethargic Being

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