Thursday, November 18, 2010

Weather Woman

Looks like we're in for a cold front this winter.
A few years back, we had a huge blizzard of snow that blanketed most of Orcas and caused trees to fall in various areas. Power went out for a couple nights and the temperature dropped below 35 degrees. Candles served their purpose in my household on the chilling nights, and the comfort of a wood fireplace kept us toasty warm throughout the evening. Weather statements on Orcas are now saying that snow is headed our way this weekend, supposedly starting in the afternoon of Sunday and into the early week. If you own a wood fireplace, advice would be to stock up on wood and buy a few candles. For my family, it has always been a tradition to sit around the candlelight and play board games when the power dies.
Here are some of the joys of winter:

-Enjoy the warmth of a fireplace
-Play games by candlelight
-Hide and seek
-Peppermint hot chocolate
-Snowball fight
-Snow angels
-Frosted pictures

There are many things to keep yourself occupied.

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