Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I am at the Olympics in February and I am just enjoying the beautiful and sometimes wretched attempts of the trying athletes. While I'm here I didn't text anyone or spaced out to the TV. For the first time in a while I'm present. I enjoyed the Olympics even though I was surrounded by ecstatic Canadians.
Tonight I'm going to a laser show in the city centre or some cool outside showplex thingy. 
*After the Laser Show*
Only one word to describe that show. Wow. The actors (or stuntmen) came down on zip line dressed as a hockey goalie. It was amazing. There was a song that was playing while some lady was a waving a Canadian flag around. It was very sentimental.
*Back to the Present Day*
From the Olympics in Canada to watching World Cup in Mexico, my year has been pretty hectic. But after all the events that happen in our lives we happen to remember the little moments that some we would forgot and move on. There are the little tiny moments that God grabs our hearts and  He doesn't let us forget them.

~The Midshipman

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