Thursday, November 4, 2010

25 Things You Don't Know About Me

  1. I was the oldest and shortest in my class until 5th grade.
  2. When I was 10, I could write ten words in Japanese
  3. I could moonwalk at age 6 
  4. I LOVE government conspiracies
  5. I could ski since I was 2
  6. 6 is my favorite number
  7. I was born at the exact time of the Yankees 1996 World Series victory
  8. I can't stand the sound of ice against ice.
  9. I've always wanted to be like the character Mr. Peter in my favorite book and speak six languages
  10. I've always wanted to be a really good singer
  11. I've lived on an island all my life except for the first 4 years
  12. I try not to but I bite my nails
  13. I have had 2 Mohawks and 1 was shaved by my uncle so short I had to sunscreen my head.
  14. I have a collection of over 30 bracelets from over 20 states
  15. I'm REALLY possessive of my stuff
  16. My 2 best friends moved in the same year, only 3 months apart
  17. Until age 11, I thought you could walk on clouds
  18. I have sat in the Mariners dugout for a whole baseball game.
  19. I got a concussion when I was 6, four days before my birthday and spent a year in the hospital
  20. The same uncle that gave me a Mohawk taught me to surf at age 6.
  21. I go on a plane 6 times (give or take) every year
  22. I could have gone to San Francisco on a hit, pitch and run contest, but couldn't because I was busy working in a Mexican orphanage.
  23. I'm planning to live in Costa Rica for the rest of my high school years.
  24. I love almost risking my life for pointless events.
  25. I could go up to anyone (stranger or friend) and start an interesting conversation on politics
Who am I?

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