Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas Time is Here!

The season we've all been waiting for Christmas! Everybody loves Christmas, the shopping, the eating, the songs, all the overindulging. People seem to think of Christmas as a season to go all out, who can get the nicest and biggest gifts. Heres a common conversation: Wife #1: “My husband is getting me a $9,000 diamond ring”. Wife #2 “Well my husband is getting me a BMW convertible”. That shows how people during the Christmas season are so concerned with material possessions. Sure I’m just like any other kid at Christmas; I want to get my fair share of loot. But I am just trying to get the message out that people need to care for others that are in need more then themselves. So this season maybe you should help at a food bank, give to a homeless person, or just be a friend to someone that is alone. That is what will make the Christmas season truly magical.
-Classic KiD
Cold WarRior

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