Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Dear God,

Thank you so much for this wonderful Thanksgiving Day!  Thank you so much for my warm bed, lots of food to eat, parents who drive me around, parents who provide me with the clothes needed to make it in this society, a job at a Christian School, heat in the buildings, a copy machine that works, two cars, my wife and children, a loving pet, my paint ball gun, the computer I'm using for this moment of thankfulness, my Christmas gifts that are on the way, the snow, the new video games that just came out, the choice of three warm jackets that my parents have provided, my new ski equipment, my friends that I get to hang out with, my friends in the church who I've bonded with, the 14 Bibles in my home bookshelf, the 51 Bibles in my classroom, all the food at the high school thanksgiving feast on Wednesday, for my savings account, for the warm fire I'm staring at between blog thoughts, and for this country that allows me the freedom to think, worship, own guns, and to carry a weapon to protect myself as I travel about this great land.

Oh!  Also, please, be with the people who won't be having a wonderful thanksgiving.  And please send someone to help them, with food, warm clothes, and whatever else you think they might need.

Thanks again,

Roger Maris

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