Tuesday, November 23, 2010

For Love of the Game

Ah yes the glory of football. The hard hits that break bones, the helmet to helmet hits that make that sound we all love. Alas we love football for the hits, the gladiator style of play. All towns have their high school football team. We as Orcas have the Vikings, the islanders are very loyal fans. The team that everyone can be a part of, the dads get to relive their old glory days of football through their sons, the girls get to have a football player as their boyfriend (a status symbol in high school), the boys well everyone looks up to them, they are the kings of the school. Everyone is happy, but no one recalls or much less cares of the flag football team, most don’t even know they exist. They are just a bunch of misfits, consisted of graduates, injured former Vikings players, those that are not old enough to play Vikings, some that wish to just play flag football. So why should anyone care of what they do, they do not wish to be mentioned, they do not care if people know that they exist. All they care about is playing a form of the game they love, whatever others may say about them they put aside, because what it all comes down to is having fun. It’s for the love of the game, it’s being part of a team that puts aside their differences and comes together as one on the field. In the 2010 OCS flag football season our team did just that. We went unnoticed, not being able to play a home game; we had a great year though, one that I will never forget, filled with wonderful memories. For that is what football is all about.
-Classic KiD

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