Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Orcas Vikings Girl's Basketball

Basketball season has finally started and there seems to be few cuts for the girls team this year. The list contains various high school classes from freshman to seniors. A couple people from OCS have decided to play on the Public School's Orcas Vikings Basketball program. Congratulations girls for making the team; play your best!

Junior Varsity Team:            Varsity Team:
BronnDiansa Anuenue              Lana Bronn
Julia Bailey                               Brooke Bruland
Kirsten Fowler                         April Hoffman
Adria Garcia                            Ashley Janssen
Aliviah Garcia                          Halley McCormick
Alena Janssen                          Bella Nigretto
Violet Kissel                            Claire O'Neil
Tamara Klein                           Makenna Thomas
Lindsay Lancaster                    Kathryn Tidwell
Cherae Minthorn                      Marissa Veldman
Tara O'Neil
Shelbi Rogers
Alicia Susol

-The Mastermind

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