Monday, November 15, 2010

Bloggedy blog blog why blog


What is the point of blogging? what do you do? just rant on and on about something you like or dislike. Im trying to figure out why anyone would actually care to read it either. I think all social networking sites are a counter productive waste of time. People just go on and on and on about the entire life story becuase they can be drama queens and freak out because someone did or didn't click the like button. If you are reading this you are probably wasting time becuase its more than three lines long and come on I highly doubt this or most other blogs will be life changing. So fellow readers I strongly encourage you to close your computer and go outside and get a life, maybe talk to person. If facebook just happened to crash tomorrow and never come back people would be devastated. They would act like the world had just ended and now they must find a new way of life. Its a website people, come on, can we just be productive and do something. Now for everyone who is hating me right now because of this topic and think I'm insensitive, well guess what I can be insensitive and I'm actually getting graded to do this blog so I get to rant on about the very stuff I just talked about yet I'm being productive... I love my freedom of speech haha


  1. It is nice to know what your opinion is DB. You're right that some may hate and disagree strongly to what you just wrote.
    ~Ms. Serious

  2. So you writing an uneducated sounding blog post is productive, but catching up with old friends on a social networking site isn't? Huh. I fail to see a real point to this post besides the obvious fact that you are a walking contradiction. People do way more counter productive things than check their FB every once and awhile (why not go for a run instead of ranting on about cars?) And although yes, people do spend way too much time doing near pointless things on the internet, I have not noticed you doing anything else much more productive. Maybe these people on social networking sites should "get a life," but maybe so should you. We all spend our time unwisely, but you are wrong to suggest that blogging cannot change lives. Maybe your words won't, but someone elses will.
