Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Five Things You Shouldn't Say to Women

1. You have big feet.
Why, thank you so much. I never thought of that before. In fact, I guess now you can sleep on the floor because my big feet have made reservations to kick your butt off the bed. Wow, that's bad...

2. You should change your hair, clothes, makeup.
Women want to feel beautiful, not judged. If there is something about the woman that really needs to be changed, put it in a gentle matter.

                                            3. Your books, movies, etc. are dumb.
Talking man, embarrassed woman © MasterfileWomen like to feel secure and accepted. Putting down a woman's interests is a negative judgement directly onto the woman. The majority of women run on emotions, so don't say you hate her hobbies because those things will make her feel upset, disliked, or rejected.

4. You should go do something girly.
Telling a woman that she should be tying ribbons in her hair rather than getting involved in big things is extremely demeaning. Support the woman’s efforts to achieve bigger and better things. If she likes football, take her to a football game once in a while. If she wants to be the house handy-woman, then let her. Don’t hinder women with this question.

5. You're overreacting.
Women don't want to hear this from their date or husband. This will just make the woman more ticked off and make her want to hit something...really you! So don't say this to a woman.

-The Mastermind

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