Tuesday, November 2, 2010


If you watched, or heard about, the final game of the World Series last night you would know that the San Francisco Giants beat the Texas Rangers. Everyone addressed them as a bunch of misfits, underdogs, and how they had no shot at winning. One of their players wanted to grow up to be rodeo clown, one's so superstitious he wore pink underwear to every one of his games, and one player even walked into the stadium with a bow-tie and his real hair down past his shoulders.
No one likes the misfits. If you've seen one of the classic Christmas movie you would know the Island of Misfit Toys. The misfits are the ones that people think have no use or have no good quality to them. Fortunately for the misfits, God always helps them be successful. The San Francisco Giants are the new World Series champions. After the final strike, the unnecessarily bearded pitcher looked up to God and made a cross with his arms, then started to celebrate.
After everything we (the misfits) have been through God has been beside us in all of our journies
~The Midshipman

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