Thursday, December 16, 2010

Video Games


Headset for Computer gamers

Playstation 3

XBOX 360

Parents today are asking themselves and their kids "Why do you play video games?" The answer kids will usually reply is "Because it's fun and theres nothing else to do". True the kids are "frying" their brains, but what if they are a teenager and its midnight. What are they going to do? Some will play video games and others will watch movies. Kids most likely went over to a friends house and played on a system of somekind and a certain game and they come home asking for them both. Some of the more common games are sports, FPS(first person shooter), and anime from tv or a movie. Most boys will probally stick to the sports and FPS games, some won't like them. Girls play those games too, but some will play different games that boys would die before playing them. Ways to stop kids from playing video games at home: give them chores to do, a time limit on how long they can play, don't give them certain games if you don't like them, tell them to read a book, make loosing playing video games for a week (or some other amount of time) a consequnce, or just don't buy a system that they can play video games on. Video games are a way to relax for some kids or to just have fun with friends when they are over. Some games require teamwork with other players or your friends in the room, these are probally the best type of games. The pictures on this blog are systems that kids play games on. Personally I prefer sports and FPS games, they require skill and teamwork which I prefer to focus on.

This is ColdWaRrior out.



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