Friday, December 24, 2010

Goodbye Blog I'll Miss You

The Blog has been a great experience for me. I have learned to expand my knowledge as a person, and in an educational sense. I have learned more about myself and others through blogs. My writing skills have improved, and I took time to think about what’s really important in life; I actually thought about things that matter, like what is life really about. I never really took time in my day to think and just wonder. I think people should take more time and break away from their routine, I did and it helped me a lot. In blog class it wasn't an ordinary class, because I didn’t just get told to fill in the answers on a paper or write an essay on this. I got to write on what I wanted to, my options were endless. I learned many new things I may have never learned before. So thank-you Mr. Worley for a great class, this may be my last post for a long time. It’s been a joy writing for whoever’s been reading. So here’s one last goodbye.
-Classic KiD

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