Tuesday, December 7, 2010

OCS Formal

                                                                            What a mystery!
This year at OCS, the teachers were nice enough to put on a murder mystery for the entertainment section of the evening. People started to arrive around 5:00 with their dates and friends gathered round. Just inside the high school was a white isle with candles placed upon the edges of the white sheet. One end of the hall was blocked off, and the sheet continued to the left of the hall and into the lunch/Worley's room. Inside the room, strings of Christmas lights were hung from the overhead lights. A big Christmas tree was decorated with ornaments and all manner of decorations; a bench was placed on the floor next to it; this was the area Mr. Claus took pictures of everyone. Our dinner was comprised of pasta, garlic bread, caesar salad, alfredo and red sauce. Altogether, the food was amazing! Christian Bailey played his violin while everyone was chatting to one another. Out of the blue, Ms. May screams and runs into the room saying there is a dead man in my cleaning closet...the mystery begins!
-Santa's Elf

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