Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Team and College I've Always Loved

As a young boy growing up I had two siblings that went to the University of Washington; my brother Cole and sister Molly. I had many great trips visiting them in Seattle, and touring the UW campus. My first journey was to see my brother Cole, he showed me Drumheller fountain. I then went around Seattle with him.  That was 10 years ago, but it is still fresh in my memory. A couple of years later my sister Molly went to UW.  I spent a night in her dorm with her and she took me around Seattle’s famous “Ave”, and showed me different places on campus. It was a great adventure and I will never forget it. My siblings always taught me to root for UW and they would give me shirts with the schools mascot on it. I had many great memories throughout my life at UW.  Even if I never go to UW it will always be one of my favorite colleges.  I started following UW’s football team through the years; I used to watch the Huskies play on most Saturdays. I have always loved them, win or lose they are my team. So after many terrible seasons including one without one win, the Huskies are finally going to a bowl game for the first time since 2002-when Cody Pickett was the quarterback. The team has had many bad seasons, but I have always enjoyed watching them play throughout the years, and finally they have done what people said they would never do again-participate in a end of the year bowl game.  Congratulations Washington Huskies!  
-Classic KiD

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