Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My trip to Portland

I had a great adventure this last weekend to Portland Oregon. I started my travels on Friday when I left school at 11:30; I then took the 12:10 ferry to Anacortes. During the ferry ride I worked on my homework and napped. When I arrived in Anacortes my sister Sophie was there, she picked me up and we drove to Seattle, once in Seattle we met up with my brother Cole and other sister Molly; we then headed for Portland. The traffic was terrible from Seattle to Olympia, and it took us much longer to get to Portland then normal. Once we got to Portland we went out to dinner at an Italian restaurant. After that we walked the streets of downtown Portland, I went to the world famous voodoo donuts and got there most famous donut: a maple bar with bacon on top. It was great! Then we headed back to our hotel, we had a great view from our hotel and we could see the city very well. The next day we woke up and headed out around the city, we shopped and ate some delicious street Thai food. We couldn’t find the Apple Cup on our TV so we had to watch it by a bar; I just saw the end of it from the doorway. Then later in the night we went to the Al-Amir Lebanese restaurant which is one of the most famous Middle Eastern restaurants in the northwest. It was great; we had lots of different dishes with humus, lamb, and chicken. The next day we headed back to Seattle but ate at a Vietnamese restaurant for lunch; I had pho soup. Thank you: Cole, Molly and Sophie, for helping to make this trip possible.

-Classic KiD

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