Monday, December 13, 2010

Anika, That's A Beautiful Cellphone!

I usually sneak into the basketball games at the public school.  Everyone is with someone, or with a group of someones.  I usually attend without a someone.  My someone is usually home using her time in a more profitable manner.  Last week I asked Tom Roosma to go to the game with me-he said no.  I sit on the front row at center court.  A center court seat at a pro-game would cost several hundred dollars unless you were a somebody and you got free tickets.  If you're not sure what a pro-game is, well, that's where really tall guys run around wearing tons of tatoos on their arms, legs, necks, and maybe their feet.  They don't play by the rules-maybe they're too big to play by the rules.  They jump around like huge rabbits, and when they do basic things like make a basket, they grab their shirt and yank on it, or pound their chest.  Another thing they like to do after making a average play, is jump into the air at each other and either bump their sides, hips, or chests together. But if someone gave me courtside tickets to a pro-game to watch these huge rabbits jump at each other-I'd take them.  But of course, being just a someone means that's not going to happen.

So Saturday I went to the public school to watch some games and watch my students and former students play.  I first went to the old gym.  That's where they let the beginners start their careers.  I really wish someone would just once, say, "Tonight the beginners get the young (new) gym, and the big shots will use the dirty, dark, scruffy, old gym."  It would be so much fun to watch the reaction of the players and their parents.  "What! My Child Play In The Old Gym!"  "What! I'm not a beginner! I'm A Somebody! And Don't You Forget It!"

I decided to sit with the visiting team's fans.  This is really fun for me!  The visiting fans don't recognize me and every now and then they glance at me and wonder where in the world did I come from?  "Do you think he's one of us?" is the look they have on their face.  This was even more fun Saturday night because I still had on my go to church clothes.  When you wear dress slacks and a dress shirt to a sporting event on Orcas, well, that's like wearing a speedo to a wedding.  Even the Orcas people didn't want to sit by me.  Now, one of the reasons it's fun to sit with the visiting team's fans is because I can't root for either team.  This is so good for me on my quest to be a self-disciplined person.  If I root for Orcas then Darrington's fans will want me to leave (which is ok, but visiting fans often sneer at you as you move to the other end of the stands, and I don't like it when someone sneers at me-all my childhood insecurities begin to rise up and laugh) and sit with the Orcas people.  If I root for Darrington I might as well pack my bags and rent a U-Haul.  Sports are very important to the people who live on Orcas.

I can't write anymore.  I have papers to grade and this blog post is too long.  The cool thing about the OCS blog is no one reads it so we bloggers can do short, long, or moderate posts.  I guess I'll have to do part 2 of this blog.  My apologies to Anika-now she'll have to read part 2 in order to feel the pride of being on

by a someone

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