Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Liam, participant in Mr. Foxes Media Fast
Julia, participant in Mr. Foxes Media Fast
Mr. Fox, challenged the American Literature class to a media fast last week. What media fast means is no more than 2 hours TOTAL of listening to your iPod, listening to the radio, playing video games, texting, internet use, watching TV, and watching movies per week. We also have to journal about how it impacted our day and read from the bible(anywhere in it) and journal about that too. This might seem very severe to most of the teenage kids today, but when you get bonus points for doing it and you need to bring your grade up its a BIG help. I can tell you that after nearly a week that it has improved my life in so many ways. I am not on the computer very often anymore and I get all of my homework done(for the most part) and get to hang out with my family.

I am challenging the people who read this blog to take on this media fast and take note on how it affects your life. Try doing this media fast till the day before Christmas break(you can continue into it if you want), be sure to journal nightly about how it made an impact in your life that day(don't make it too personal, because if you want to win a prize you have to turn your journal into the Blog class). Also grab your bible and open it randomly, read a chapter or section and reflect on how this might be pointing something out to you. Please submit your journals to the Blog class on Tuesday the 14th of December. The person that the blog class thinks the media fast impacted the most will receive a $15 gift certificate to Teezer's.

This is Cold WaRrior out

1 comment:

  1. im from virginia and some teacher at my school tried that, everyone just lied and got away with it. its a terrible idea, it never works.
