Sunday, December 12, 2010

Teenage Drinking

Many teens are curious to experiment and try alcohol. Soon some get addicted and have drinks with friends. College students are said to drink more alcohol than those who aren't in college. For me, I don't particularly agree with teenage drinking, or drinking at all. Drinking can lead to hurting yourself, others, and it can alter your personality; make you do things you wouldn't normally do. I think I am very fortunate to live on an island and not be subjected to all of the drinking. I have surrounded myself with friends of my choice that I like to be around; then again I was brought up that way. I don't like to hang around people who drink or smoke all the time.
Still a major problem today, but facts tell us that the statistics are declining in the amount of alcohol consumed by young adults/teens.
-An average of 11,318 teens try alcohol for the first time in life
-11.4% of alcohol is consumed by teens in the U.S.
-Americans drink the heaviest between their teen and mid twenties
-Three out of four seniors in high school have drank in their school years
-Eight teens die everyday from alcohol based car crashes
-More than 3 million teens are alcoholics
If you are experiencing problems with drinking, or you're hanging around people who might be a bad influence on people, including you, try these helpful ideas:
-Group Counseling
-Education on Teen Alcoholism
-Medical Treatment

-Santa's Elf

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