Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December 7, 1941 Flashback

Sixty Nine years ago today, Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii and the US Military Bases on the Philippine Islands. The Japanese caught the Americans off guard at Pearl Harbor. Four Navy Battleships were sunk, two were eventually raised from the bottom of the ocean and put back in service. Three cruisers, three destroyers, an anti-aircraft training ship, a mine layer, and 188 US aircraft were destroyed also in the attack. 2,402 military personnel were killed and another 1,282 were wounded in the attack of Pearl Harbor.

Hours after the attack of Pearl Harbor, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Declaration of War against Japan. He also declared December 7 a day to remember. One of the Hero's of Pearl Harbor was Dorie Miller. He is famous for shooting a 50-caliber anti-aircraft gun aboard the USS Virginia for 15 minutes at Japanese planes. He shot down four Japanese planes until he ran out of ammunition. He was killed in service aboard the USS Liscome Bay.

Never Forget Pearl Harbor Day, December 7, 1941

This is ColdWaRrior out

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