Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Jake Locker You Will be Missed

Jake Locker has been the Huskies quarterback since the 2007 season. He was the Huskies only glimmer of talent for many years, the only chance we had of winning a game.  He would bull his way through defenders like a running back when no one was there to pass to, or throw the ball to a receiver while being chased by the entire opposing team's defense. He gave fans hope, motivation to watch the Huskies play. Now in his senior season he has taken this young team to a bowl game, sure his stats aren’t amazing, but it’s the way he plays the game-with so much heart. Jake Locker loves the game and he gives it everything he’s got, no matter the score of the game he will not stop trying his hardest. I remember one season I went to see the Huskies play number one in the nation USC.  The Huskies were underdogs by far, they were just another easy win for USC, or so they thought. The Huskies gave it everything they had that day and almost won the game, we blocked a punt with 30 seconds left, and Locker ran it in for a touchdown.  He was breaking tackles and diving between defenders for the score.  The UW tried an onside kick which was unsuccessful. The Huskies lost that day, but it showed that they were a better team then most people had thought.  Jake Locker put the team on his back most of his career at UW, but this season his team helped him out when he has struggled.  The hard work of the team has paid off and the Huskies are going to a bowl game for the first time in 8 years. We’ll miss you Jake Locker, Husky football won’t be the same without you.
-Classic KiD

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