Saturday, December 4, 2010

Smiling at Work

We're all for happiness, joy and all that good stuff, but with all that positive energy going around we never bring it into our workplace. Some of us go home and talk to our mom, dad, sibiling, spouse, son or daughter about how dreary our day was. We need to consider this fact: It's up to us to help make the fun and happiness we all desire.  If we lighten the day of our boss, or teacher, with a joke, they might be a little friendlier back. So why not jump over tables in rejoice, why not throw coffee at your friend when they're in trouble. Why? Because if we do that we will likely get in trouble by someone. Except there's no reason not to tell jokes and smile at your workplace. If we all  bring joy into our workplace then I think that's a small step to make the world a better place.
~The Midshipman

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