Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Lord of The Rings

The Lord of The Rings is an epic tail of adventure, friendship, greed, glory, and fighting for what is right. It is a story that will always stay with me for the rest of my life. The story was written by author JRR Tolkien, who was one of the greatest fantasy authors of all time. If you have never read or seen Lord of The Rings, I suggest you you give it a try. It has many great life lessons in it, and you become one with the book; when you’re reading it you get to know the characters and it is almost like you are there. The book centers on a magical ring that gives people great power, and if you have it you become obsessed with it and never let it go. The Lord of The Rings is a trilogy series, and is most enjoyable to read. The Lord of The Rings has so many great adventures in it that you won’t be able to stop reading, or watching the movie! The book has had a big impact on my life, will it impact yours? Only one way to find out!
Ps. The link below is part of the Lord of The Rings soundtrack.

-Classic KiD

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