Sunday, December 12, 2010


I enjoy taking a few photos of random things I come across. The majority of the photos I've taken have been based around the sun, just because it is a great focal point in photos. Taking photos isn’t something I truly love, it is just a fun thing to do to pass time for me. For some people photography is their life, always taking pictures of everything they see.  I’m not one of those people.  I have been told that I have a good eye for photography, and I think that if you want to be a good photographer you do not have to take pictures of famous places or things.  A great photograph can be of the simplest thing, and in my opinion that is the beauty of it.  I do not own a digital camera besides the one on my phone.  The quality of my phone photographs is average.  I haven’t yet been able to understand what a “good” photo is, but I try my best and take pictures of what I think will make a good picture. I do not like to use Photoshop to enhance pictures, and I believe pictures shouldn’t be edited to give it a false appearance.  So here are some photos I've taken over the past two and a half months.
-Classic KiD

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