Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Trying to Fall Asleep in a Gym

Notice that the lights are still on and most people are in their sleeping bags

Ah the joys of falling asleep when people are throwing a football around and the girls are chattering lots on the other side of the gym. Senior Roosma took forever in turning the lights off. First Mr. Roosma said "Lights will be turned off in ten minutes" Then again we heard the famous words "Lights out in 10 minutes". Twenty minutes later the lights are still on and people are still making a ruckus. Finally at around 11:55pm we have worship and go to sleep. Unfortunately for those who are light sleepers, there are those who snore very loud, they will not be mentioned for their safety.
Notice how Mr. Danny Brown here is trying to fall asleep while people are making lots of noise.

DomiKnight out

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