Thursday, September 30, 2010

Grand Canyon!

An old student of Orcas Christian named Emma Smith is in the Grand Canyon this week. Emma is a sister with Clarabeth and Roo at OCS. She is attending United World College in New Mexico. Her roommate is Chinese but she's lived in Sweden her whole life. Where Emma is attending school they have people from all over the world. Emma is one of two Representatives from the U.S.
This is her schedule for her Grand Canyon adventure...

This is the only section of any trail in the Grand Canyon that anyone has any really negative feelings about. Someone I knew had a back country trip come to a quick end and almost lost his wife on this section of trail. She slipped on something on the trail and went sliding off of it and down through the rubble to the section below. Luckily she only slid about 25-30 feet before being stopped by a very large boulder that prevented her from plummeting over the edge and down into Red Canyon. Not so luckily the abrupt stop created by this boulder broke her ankle. Be very, very careful on this section.

The next section is where the real fun begins. She approaches the Redwall break and continues on.
When she reaches the river she will camp on either the eastern or western sides of the creek, as both offer some very good campsites. From this point you can continue upriver along the Escalante Route to the Unkar Delta overlook and Tanner Canyon or downriver on the Tonto Trail to Hance Canyon and Horseshoe Mesa.

That is just beginning of the many adventures of Emma Smith.

~The Midshipman

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