Monday, September 27, 2010


During this past weekend I visited the Puyallup fair as part of our annual school Unite Trip. This field trip is always filled with laughter and good times. First, there was the ferry ride-usually long and rather boring. After arriving at Anacortes (That other place we call America) we were assigned to cars according to pod groups. This year my pod group is Graye, Halley, Clarabeth, Sierra, and Alicia. Sleep was the main activity during the trip to the big city.  Upon our arrival each pod was off doing activities.  It was a race against the clock and the other pod groups.  We dashed from point to point taking pictures, which was to prove we had seen various animals and attended specific stage shows. Then we went to have fun on roller coasters and games. I rode the Wild Cat and my car had technical malfunctions. My lap bar broke causing me to nearly fall out of the car. After the fun and games we all went to the exciting concert featuring Mercy Me and Jeremy Camp. I thought the concert was really fun. Afterwords we all went to another Adventist school for sleeping in their gym.  In the morning we awoke early and began the journey home.

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