Friday, September 17, 2010

Camp Out at Moran

Another camp out at Moran State Park has come and gone. Amazing how fast they always seem to fly by each year. This was my second year being part of the high school group and I had a lot of fun. With the high school being so small we began the activities with four pods. After joining the elementary we grew into  seven pods. My pod had the following responsibilities: Alex and I were in charge of the "filling the bucket relay", Effie and Doug were in charge of the water balloon race. We had around ten kids in a group. I think I can say this for most of the high school that we all had a lot of fun playing with the younger kids. They got rained on as they slept last night by a half inch of rain.

Sabrina telling Chase off                              Mr. May telling Sasha what pod to go to

 How do we get out of this again?             Herbie telling the balloon how to win

Doug flying to the lake to fill the cup up with water

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