Thursday, September 30, 2010

Herbie's funny memory from Mrs Roosmas Class

In first grade I was in Mrs. Roosmas class. The following people were in my class and are still attending OCS: Liam Nutt, Sean Haugen, Sierra Haugen, and Graye Parnell. A memory I fondly recall was when Mrs. Roosma assigned us to write how to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I wrote that you put the bread down and then grab a plate and eat it. Mrs. Roosma ended up eating a paper plate! Everyone was laughing hysterically!

Cell Phones Herbie has owned

I've listed below the phones I'v owned and in the order I obtained them.  Phone prices are with an upgrade.
1. Samsung go-phone -$10
2.LG Shine -$40
3.Blackberry Curve -$150
4.iPhone -$100

The first phone was a simple phone, it didn't have any capabilities besides texting and calling. The second phone was an LG Shine, it had no capabilities besides calling and texting, but it looked really nice. The third was a Blackberry, it had calling and texting, and a full keyboard, but no Internet. Normally when you have a Blackberry you have Internet, I didn't because it costs extra. Next I bought an iPhone about a week ago, I got it because I made quite a bit of money dish washing this summer and could afford its price, and its monthly bill of $15 extra. It has many apps and a touch-screen, it is one of the better phones available, but most people dont get it because if youre not on a family plan it costs a lot of money.

Grand Canyon!

An old student of Orcas Christian named Emma Smith is in the Grand Canyon this week. Emma is a sister with Clarabeth and Roo at OCS. She is attending United World College in New Mexico. Her roommate is Chinese but she's lived in Sweden her whole life. Where Emma is attending school they have people from all over the world. Emma is one of two Representatives from the U.S.
This is her schedule for her Grand Canyon adventure...

This is the only section of any trail in the Grand Canyon that anyone has any really negative feelings about. Someone I knew had a back country trip come to a quick end and almost lost his wife on this section of trail. She slipped on something on the trail and went sliding off of it and down through the rubble to the section below. Luckily she only slid about 25-30 feet before being stopped by a very large boulder that prevented her from plummeting over the edge and down into Red Canyon. Not so luckily the abrupt stop created by this boulder broke her ankle. Be very, very careful on this section.

The next section is where the real fun begins. She approaches the Redwall break and continues on.
When she reaches the river she will camp on either the eastern or western sides of the creek, as both offer some very good campsites. From this point you can continue upriver along the Escalante Route to the Unkar Delta overlook and Tanner Canyon or downriver on the Tonto Trail to Hance Canyon and Horseshoe Mesa.

That is just beginning of the many adventures of Emma Smith.

~The Midshipman

MLB Playoffs

Starting off in the American League East, we have the New York Yankees and the Tampa Bay Rays. One will take the title of American League East and the other will take theThe New York Yankees are a half game back from the Tampa Bay Rays. The Yankees and the Rays are both guaranteed a play off spot it just depends on who will take the East and who will take the Wild Card.

Up next we have the Minnesota Twins who have clinched the American League Central. They were the first team to clinch a playoff spot.

Finally in the American League, we have the American League West champs. The Texas Rangers had a close race with the Los Angeles Angles of Anaheim until about a month ago. The Angles lost several games in a row while the Rangers were winning their games.

                                                                                                 Roy Halladay

First up in the National League we have the Philadelphia Phillie's who clinched their playoff spot last week with a win from Roy Halladay.

Next up with the National League; in the Central we have the Cinnnicati Reds who are going to be in the playoffs for the first time since 1995. After 15 years of losing seasons, the Reds upset the favorite for the Central Division, the St. Louis Cardinals.

Presently, the only undecided division in baseball is the National League West. Here the San Francisco Giants are in first place battle with the San Diego Padres.The magic number for the Giants is 3, but the Padres are only 2 games back.

DomiKnight out

Why I don't have a cell phone

Here are the reasons I don't have a cell phone:
1. No cell service at my house
2. Parents want my sister to be older, so we can all get a plan
3. I would only need a cell phone when im in town visting

DomiKnight out

Blog Soccer Street Match!

With a shortage of news the bloggers decided to play a soccer match on the field. Here is a link to the video:

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

More Adventures...

Have you ever been in a car while Mr. Roosma was driving? Try it sometime, you never know what might happen, or what he will say. Somehow, in the years that I have known Roosma, his humor has always been something to laugh at and about (in a good way). The car ride down to the Puyallup fair was interesting, and noisy. We were given a list of things to do like a scavenger hunt when we arrived at the fair grounds, a video of our pod making up a story and creating a song that goes along with the theme of our field trip; the Puyallup Fair itself.

~The Vivacious One~

Herbies Big Time Seattle Sportsnet Blog

Check out my post on the blog, its entitled "Why I do this"

The blog class says to listen to this song. Just because...

In honor of Mr. Worley and my mom I am posting this song. "They paved paradise and put up a parking lot."

In honor of my generation I am posting the newer version also.

Not For Sale

Local, retired, banker-turned-artist Michele Needham has a unique talent for finding, and then drawing, the beauties and fantastic intricacies of Death, Life and Sorrow. She started her paintings eleven years ago when she had a spiritual awakening. She has created a series, for her sister who was diagnosed and later died from cancer, of beautiful drawings that originated from different words that came to her in the waiting room at hospitals while her sister was ill. When asking for advice on drawing your own art she says: "Go with the flow and just draw what you feel!" Something else unique about her is she has never done a portrait of anyone, and doesn't plan to in the future.

Lost in a World of Color

A resident on the island from April 15 till October 15, retired, a banker who changed into an artist, Michele Needham. She spends her time when shes not on island in Texas. She is the middle child of 11 children in her family. She started being an artist when she was younger by doodling, but when she reached college they said that she wasn't good enough to be an artist. She started being an artist again 11 years ago when she had a very strong spiritual experience. Most of her pictures come from doodles that she has done. Looking at the ones she did while her sister was in cancer treatment, they look like pictures when they are colored pencil drawings that she adapted from her doodless. The detail and the difference in colors is amazing to the eyes.


Last week The High School went on our annual Unite Trip to the Puyallup Fair. This trip is to bring the "Pod" groups closer together by making them sit in a car together for a few hours, followed by a scavenger hunt in the fairgrounds. The last thing we did was attend a Jeremy Camp and Mercy Me concert which, I observed, The teachers enjoyed just as much as we students did.
-- Mr. President

Trying to Fall Asleep in a Gym

Notice that the lights are still on and most people are in their sleeping bags

Ah the joys of falling asleep when people are throwing a football around and the girls are chattering lots on the other side of the gym. Senior Roosma took forever in turning the lights off. First Mr. Roosma said "Lights will be turned off in ten minutes" Then again we heard the famous words "Lights out in 10 minutes". Twenty minutes later the lights are still on and people are still making a ruckus. Finally at around 11:55pm we have worship and go to sleep. Unfortunately for those who are light sleepers, there are those who snore very loud, they will not be mentioned for their safety.
Notice how Mr. Danny Brown here is trying to fall asleep while people are making lots of noise.

DomiKnight out

Monday, September 27, 2010


During this past weekend I visited the Puyallup fair as part of our annual school Unite Trip. This field trip is always filled with laughter and good times. First, there was the ferry ride-usually long and rather boring. After arriving at Anacortes (That other place we call America) we were assigned to cars according to pod groups. This year my pod group is Graye, Halley, Clarabeth, Sierra, and Alicia. Sleep was the main activity during the trip to the big city.  Upon our arrival each pod was off doing activities.  It was a race against the clock and the other pod groups.  We dashed from point to point taking pictures, which was to prove we had seen various animals and attended specific stage shows. Then we went to have fun on roller coasters and games. I rode the Wild Cat and my car had technical malfunctions. My lap bar broke causing me to nearly fall out of the car. After the fun and games we all went to the exciting concert featuring Mercy Me and Jeremy Camp. I thought the concert was really fun. Afterwords we all went to another Adventist school for sleeping in their gym.  In the morning we awoke early and began the journey home.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Off island with my favorites

So I'm going off island with my favorites.  Students are my favorites.  Who else can make you laugh, cry, angry, sad, and longing for the next event.  It's raining.  The wind is beginning to blow.  The fair is our destination.  I can't spell the destination, and I'm running out of time-so that will stay unfinished.  I've made a couple of promises to myself.  I will buy something at the fair this year.  Also, I will not make fun of Tom Roosma's sandwiches.  Also, I will smile more.  I'm going to go to the Vita-Mix display booth and see how many samples of foods I can obtain during the hours it is operating.
I love these salespeople because they believe Vita-Mix is right from heaven.  I'm also going to video again this year, it can be a pain, but great fun when we look upon ourselves.  Thank you soooo much for reading this blog submission.   

Submitted by RAW

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

He Lost His Keys

Mr. Worley lost his keys.  He says, "they were misplaced."  He says, "they were misplaced somewhere between the his classroom chair and the restroom.  You know how adults are..."oh I misplaced my keys!"  Ya right.  So there we were in World History class and he looks desperate.  Poor old guy was desperate.  "Oh, I'm not worried."  Ya Right.  Then he tells us that whoever finds his keys will earn a pizza lunch for their entire class.  We take a break during the 90 minute class and there is Kaylee and Alivia quietly going through the room.  Under the desk, under the couches, and even in the book shelves-now we're all looking.  Surprise! Alivia opens the drawer under the microwave where paper plates and napkins are silently waiting.
There are the keys!  No one asks why Mr. Worley would place his keys in that drawer.  But they do ask, "So when do we get our pizza?"  Here's another deal opportunity for W.  How long will it take to receive the pizza?  Make a guess and win a prize from The Blog Class!

Submitted by  Blog Brain



Recess at OCS

I took it upon myself to go visit and play games with Mr. Slavens and Mrs. Roosmas classes. First I tried a game of scatter ball, it was entertaining for a short while. The object of the game is to throw the ball at someone in the selected boundaries. If you are hit you have to sit out until the person that got you out gets out. You can only take 3 steps before you throw the ball. Next I played 4 square, it was fun for the kids because you keep rotating when you get out, so you get a chance to play no matter what. I interviewed some of the kids and asked them why they don't play any other games. Luke Bronn said "Because we are happy just playing these games." I asked them if they wanted to play basketball but the kids seemed uninterested. I couldnt understand why they had no interest for other games. It seems as though they play a one or two games for a period of time and then move on to the next ones.

~ The Classic KiD

Community Service

Yesterday, we had Community Service day. OCS invited schools from the Washington Adventist Conference to come to Orcas and help clean up our island. The OCS middle school students went to Turtleback Mountain and pulled Scotch Broom. Tommy Algier one of the middle school students didn't really enjoy pulling Scotch Broom but he did learn that the plant spreads really fast. The OCS high school students went to the Fire Station and cleaned the fire trucks. We also cut blackberries down by the parking lot. Herbie Sisson really enjoyed his time at the fire station and really enjoyed helping the firefighters after they do so much for us. At the end of the day all the schools came together by our gym and we took a picture and also had a fun worship. I think everyone had a great time.

~The Midshipmen

Puyallup Fair Unite Trip

Last year at the Puyallup fair I did many different fun activities. One of the things I did was play a game where my pod had to take a picture of different objects at the fair. A couple of the items chosen were a monster truck and a Clydesdale horse. We also went shopping and enjoyed various fair rides. Then we walked over to Taco Bell for lunch. The students had a variety of different foods they can buy for lunch. One of the biggest things we got to do was go to the News Boys concert. It was very fun. We all went down to the lower seats and sang and played around. We then stayed at a gym and half the high school joined in for a giant game of basketball. It was one of the funnest pick up games in which I have been involved.  Mr. Worley was able to tape the game and interviewed a few people on how it went. The next day we ate some quick breakfast and left for the ferry.

~ The Classic KiD

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Major League Baseball nearing October

It's time to watch or listen to Major League Baseball at its very best. The playoffs and the chance to play for the World Series Championship begings next month. Can the New York Yankees repeat to make it 29 times that they have won the World Series this October? Will a first time World Series Winner take all the glory this year? The Twins can win their division tonight with a win by them or a loss by the Chicago Cubs. This year's October will be amazing.

Lord of the Blog

NFL Week 2

Chiefs 2-0?

First up with have the Kanas City Chiefs visiting the Clevend Browns. The Chiefs kicked a field goal with 36 seconds left on the clock in the 1st Quarter. Peyton Hillis had a 1 yard touchdown run 5 minutes into the 2nd Quarter for the Browns to take the lead for the Browns 7-3. Then Brandon Flowers had a 33 yard interception return for the Chiefs to reclaim the lead 10-7. With a minute left in the half Josh Cribbs caught a 65 yard pass from Senaca Wallace. The rest was a pretty boring game with the Chiefs kicking two more field goals. This makes the Chiefs one of the 6 teams that are 2-0. The Chiefs haven't started a season out
2-0 since the 2005 season.

Duel of the Manning Brothers on Monday Night Football

This game after the first half I think we could all say it was going to be a blow out with the Colts up 24-0 over the Giants. The Colts had an early 7 yard run in the first quarter to take the lead 7-0. The 2nd quarter started with a bang with a 50 yard touchdown pass to Dallas Clark from Payton Manning. The Colts scored another touchdown and kicked another field goal to conclude the first half. The Colts scored another 2 touchdowns while the Giants actually scored 2 touchdowns. The final was 38-14 Colts over the Giants. As the radio announcer said last night "This would have been the score if Payton was 14 and Eli 9 playing football in the back yard"

Lord of the Blog

Where's Roo

Roo and Clara Smith are finally back at OCS. He and his sister Clara have been in 7 states and two countries this past summer. They started out their summer with an exotic trip down to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico to do mission work in an orphanage. Their family and them stayed in Puerto Vallarta for a little over a month. Roo started going to a spanish school while Clara and her sisters worked at the orphanage. Roo met up with them after his school got out.
When they came home from Mexico they went directly to a christian music festival named Creation. Creation was in Enumclaw, Washington this year after it was at the Gorge in eastern Washington the year before. People say that the Gorge was a much better location because it was at a canyon instead of fair grounds in Enumclaw. They said it was a very eye-opening experience.
After they went to Creation music festival they came home for a week then went off on their east-coast adventure. On their first stop they went to their grandparents house in Williamsburg, Virginia they stayed there for about a two weeks. While they were there they dropped their oldest sister, Maddy, off at college in Williamsburg at the college of William and Mary.
Their next stop was to their aunt's house in Annapolis, Maryland. They stayed there for about one week or so. While they were there they saw the Naval Academy. For them that was almost the highlight of their summer. While in Annapolis they are only 30 minutes away from Washington D.C and Baltimore. They went to our nations Capitol, Smithsonian Museums, Library of Congress, White House, and even to the top of the Washington Monument.
The Smith kids also went to Philadelphia to watch the Philadelphia Phillies play baseball. They also walked around in old Philadelphia and saw the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. They also went to New York, New York and watched a baseball game at Yankee Stadium.
From New York they drove from New York to Washington D.C then took their flight out from there to Washington. Within two days they were back at OCS.

~The Midshipmen

Friday, September 17, 2010

Camp Out at Moran

Another camp out at Moran State Park has come and gone. Amazing how fast they always seem to fly by each year. This was my second year being part of the high school group and I had a lot of fun. With the high school being so small we began the activities with four pods. After joining the elementary we grew into  seven pods. My pod had the following responsibilities: Alex and I were in charge of the "filling the bucket relay", Effie and Doug were in charge of the water balloon race. We had around ten kids in a group. I think I can say this for most of the high school that we all had a lot of fun playing with the younger kids. They got rained on as they slept last night by a half inch of rain.

Sabrina telling Chase off                              Mr. May telling Sasha what pod to go to

 How do we get out of this again?             Herbie telling the balloon how to win

Doug flying to the lake to fill the cup up with water

Looking for other poets!

Here at the blog we would like to submit other works by a variety of students. If you have a poem, story, or song you would like to share, look for one of the bloggers and they will submit it. It can be anonymous if you wish.

Spirals, designs of chaos in a fantastic order to draw the eye
Of whoever so passes by.
The break in the parallel and uniform appearance of a chain fence.
Meant to keep others away,
And yet this one encourages observation and curiosity.
An individual among identicals.

By: Jared Grantham

Just a little brotherly love

A couple of days ago an OCS student, Sean Haugen, was practicing his skill in the art of filming by making a video of his sister. Here it is and enjoy!

Basketball Brutes

We, including freshman Alicia, sophomore Kaylee, Sierra and Sean played a round of brutal basketball in the gym on Thursday, September 16. Playing games of two on two made us tired in a hurry. Our only audience was freshman Alicia's mother, Stephanie Susol. Sweat was rolling off of our backs at the end of practice at 5:00 p.m. I was the only person who wasn't subbed out, but we took periodic breaks in order to keep our bodies hydrated and play longer. Anybody is welcome to join us, for more information you can contact Mr. Worley if you have a suggestion for when this activity could take place.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

High School Student Association Officers

The soonest.  The fastest.  The earliest.  Never before in the history of the world has the OCS High School elected Student Association officers this quickly.  "We went to absolutely no expense to get this done as soon as possible," stated OCS Principal, Tom Roosma.  "It took less than two weeks," shouted SA sponsor Jonathan Fox.  The officers are: Spiritual-Vice Graye Parnell, Sgt-Arms Marissa Veldman, Public Relations Julia Bailey, Social Vice Aliviah Garcia, Sec-Treasurer Brynna Gregg, President Jared Grantham.  Jared described the first officers meeeting as chaotic.  One can sense the excitement as the new year of activities is about to begin.  This will undoubtedly be a terrific year for social and spiritual growth.

Glen Beck

Cashed In Full (with interest)

Mr. Worley, long time deal-maker with the students, has settled one of his many debts with the students of OCS. The debt in question was one pizza for the OCS senior class of 2011, and on the 14th of September 2010 he purchased one family sized cheese pizza and one family sized focaccia for said seniors. All he needs to do now is settle his debt with the P.E. class and he may be out of debt to the knowledge of this blogger.

--Mr. President

Hidden in a Field Near You

What: Geocache
Where: Some where on the OCS campus
Why: For Fun
What a geocache is: A geocache is typically a small box or item hid on public or private land, usually with trinkets and a log book. The geocache is the object of a "treasure hunt" that is found by following clues that include GPS coordinates and landmarks.
What you find: Something left behind by last person to find the geocache
What you do: If you take something, put something in the geocache to replace it for the next finder
By Who: Blog Class

Facts about Geocaches:
1,187,643 geocaches world wide
Location takes time and are fun to find
Lord of the Blog

Sunday, September 12, 2010

First NFL Sunday of the Season

I will talk about three games that happened earlier today. 

The first game will be the Steelers vs. Falcons game. The Steelers kicked a field goal in the first quarter to take the lead, 3-0. Then the Falcons responded in the second quarter with one of their own field goals. The Steelers marched down the field and kicked another field goal to take the lead,6-3 in the third quarter. The Falcons kicked another two field goals while the Steelers only kicked another one to tie it in the forth quarter at 9. The Steelers had a chance to win it with 40 seconds left on the clock when they lined up for a 40 yard field goal attempt, but the kick went wide right. So the game went into overtime, where RB Rashard Mendenhall ran for a 50 yard touchdown to win the game. Watch the game winning run here:

Next up we have the Bengals vs. Patriots game. The Patriots scored a touchdown on their first drive of the day in 2:51. The Patriots defense kept forcing the Bengals to punt the ball. The Patriots kicked a field goal to extend the lead to 10-0. At the end of the first quarter the Patriots lead 10-0. The Patriots scored another touchdown and kicked another field goal before the Bengals drove down field and kicked a field goal to get them on the board. Going into the locker rooms the Patriots were up 24-3. The Bengals kicked the ball off in the second half to Brandon Tate, and I'm sure they are regretting this right now. Brandon returned the kickoff for a 97 yard touchdown extending the lead to 31-3. Now this is where it gets interesting. The Bengal offense picks up its game and scores two touch downs to pull with in two touchdowns at the end of the third quarter. Both the Patriots and the Bengals scored in the fourth quarter to make it a final,
38-24. What's really important about this game is that Wes Welker who had a season ending injury near the end of last season, recovered from surgery and scored 2 touchdowns today.

Finally, since we do live close to these guys I will take about the 49'ers and Seahawks game. The 49'ers kicked an early field goal to take the lead 3-0. The Seahawk's offense looked like it couldn't get going. The 49'ers kicked another field goal to make their lead 6-0 over the Seahawks. Now this is where the Seahawk's started doing business. The Seahawks marched down the field where Matt Hasselbeck capitalized with a 1 yard touchdown run, taking the lead from the 49'ers. The Seahawks scored once more before halftime making their lead now 14-6. QB Alex Smith for the 49'ers was picked off by Marcus Trufant who returned the ball into the end zone for a 32 yard interception return. Deion Branch scored his first touchdown of the season to make the Seahawks lead 28-6 at the end of the third quarter. The Seahawks kicked a field goal to make it 31-6.

Final Scores: Atlanta Falcons 9 Pittsburg Steelers 15
Cincinnati Bengals 24 New England Patriots 34
San Francisco 49'ers 6 Seattle Seahawks 31

Tomorrows games will be thrillers for sure. The Baltimore Ravens face off with the New York Jets at 7:00 East Coast Time. Then the real Monday Night Football begins at 10:15 East Coast Time, when the San Diego Chargers play the Kanas City Chiefs.

Lord of the Blog