Saturday, January 15, 2011

What Summer will mean for me

This summer will have me playing video games till 3 or 4 am almost every night and rising at 8 to 10 in the morning to go and do work. My summer daily chores include: making sure the sheep have water, making sure the pigs have enough feed in their feeder, giving the pigs scraps from meals, feeding my dog, playing with my dog and many more. Then when hay comes around: move the mower, rake, and bailer out of the tractor barn with my dad, make sure the rake has all of its teeth, make sure the mowers blades are sharp, greasing all the parts on the bailer, then I get to buck bails into the back of the gator(5 to a load), then I have to stack bails in the barn, fix the hay rows and move broken bails back into the rows, and some other haying chores too. I love the summer because I can play video games at night late into the night. Also I can spend lots of time outside and enjoy the sunshine with my dog or family as I work. Working in the summer gives me joy becuase I love working in the heat and having the work challege me everyday.

This is ColdWaRrior out

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